76 Plymouth Road, Southerton

Chitungwiza Smart and Green City Transformation Project

We have been mandated by the government and by the local authority   to   embark   on   this comprehensive project that will redefine   the state of Chitungwiza and transform it into a modern smart city. The project has been granted National Project Status and is being ushered by an inter-ministerial committee.
  • Project Type

  • Completion

    Still on-going

Project Focus

  • Provision of a Master Plan for Chitungwiza
  • Regularization of Informal and Dysfunctional Settlements
  • Provision of adequate potable water to every household
  • Solid and liquid waste management
  • Revamping and modernization of markets
  • Light Industry
  • Transport
  • Infrastructure
  • ICT and Perception

Project Updates


Wistmer is donating the Masterplan to Chitungwiza Municipality and has already begun the work. The roadmap is outlined below:



The water crisis in Chitungwiza is an emergency and Wistmer is currently working on addressing it through the following means:

  • Leveraging the Jonasi Aquifer
  • Conveyancing water from Muchekeranwa Dam through Wenimbi Dam to Harava Dam in order to provide an additional 30ML of raw water supply for the water treatment plant.

Work has already begun on the Jonasi Aquifer. Wistmer is drilling 40 aquifer boreholes on the site. We shall convey the water from Jonasi to the Makoni Reservoir where it shall be distributed into homes.


The interministerial committee conducted a site visit at the Jonasi Aquifer on the 19th of February 2024.

Smart Water Metering

To drastically increase rate collection efficiency, Wistmer has been engaged to install 200,000 prepaid smart water meters in Chitungwiza, Manyame and Marondera.


Smart water meters installed in Chitungwiza.

Donation – Solid Waste Management

Wistmer has undertaken to provide solid-waster management services to Chitungwiza Municipality as a donation

My Chi-Town App

Wistmer has developed an all-in-one app for a smoother, more connected life in Chitungwiza. The app will enable residents to seamlessly regularize their house, make utility bill payments, receive updates, apply for and pay for markets, buy & sell stands, buy & sell houses and report faults.

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